MPT Financial Advisors
+2 0115 5668 997



Commercial and Financial Policies and Procedures.

The financial policies and procedures are based on the following:

How to develop a good concept of your business operations

 Finance and how it is currently managed and controlled.

How to define the policies and procedures associated with each business cycle.

Compare your current policies and procedures with current practices by sector to identify gaps that need to be corrected.

Develop recommendations to fill in the identified gaps, discuss those recommendations with you and gain consensus.

These gaps may relate to how the business process is organized, the policies and procedures of the internal control structure that relate to the business process or the interface of the business process and other business processes.

Rewrite your policies and procedures and, if necessary, we can re-engineer your business process flow.

Train your employees to understand re-engineered business mechanisms and related policies and procedures.

This will be done keeping in mind the size of your business and how it should be managed, and we also make recommendations if we believe there is room for improvement in your business.


Financial Feasibility Assessments:

Financial viability assessments are essential to help you assess whether the investment you are considering in a new venture or an extension of an existing one is likely to be beneficial.

Having a good understanding of the project and target market based on this understanding, we will develop a comprehensive set of assumptions regarding the following:



  • The estimated cost of your investment.
  • Project completion period and timing of cash outflow.
  • How the project will be financed (equity, debt or a combination).
  • The cost of funds (capital) to be invested in the project.
  • Sources of operational revenue and the amount of revenue expected to be achieved after the completion of the project.
  • Project running costs after completion.


Based on the assumptions that we will discuss and agree with you, we will develop a financial model to project the net free cash flows of the project by year as a going concern. We will then assess the financial feasibility of the project based on the following three indicators:


  1. The net present value that is likely to be realized on your investment in the project.
  2. The internal rate of return that is likely to be achieved on the investment.
  3. Payback period, i.e., the period during which the net free cash flow will be sufficient to reinvest you in the project.

We also assess the sensitivity of the results due to potential differences in actual performance from assumed performance.

When making assumptions about the future performance of a project, we will perform a market analysis to support assumptions about the size and value of future revenue. We will also validate assumptions about future operating cost based on our experience in similar projects/sectors.

Strategic planning

A proper business term is “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never know when you’ll get there.”

A business that is not managed by a strategic plan is unlikely to realize its potential.

The goal of a strategic plan is to help you determine where and how you want to move your business into the future. We will help you create a strategic plan for your business that outlines the following:

  • Where you want your business to be in five years.
  • The strategies you will use to make it work where you want it.
  • The strategic goals that the company must achieve by the year over the next five years.
  • The criteria you should use to measure the progress of your business.
  • A strategic plan will typically define strategic objectives along the following business building blocks:
  • Growth and
  • Growth and profitability (revenue and profit).
  • Business clients and markets.
  • People (business management and employees).
  • Critical internal capabilities.
  • The strategic plan will also describe a tailored strategic management process that will support the implementation of the plan.
  • Our approach to strategic planning is interactive. We will work with you through a number of high-level sessions to agree on:
  • Your vision for business is where you want your business to be in five years.
  • Your strategic goals and strategies.
  • The criteria that will be used to measure progress.
  • We will also help you implement the strategic management process in the first year and will follow up with you on how to implement the process for a year or two after that.

risk advisory:

We will help you:

  • Develop a system to identify emerging risks.
  • Develop business risk mitigation measures.
  • Measure and report business risks on a regular basis.
  • Identify key business risks that must be addressed by the Board of Directors and senior management on a regular basis.